Given the nature of digital content, we do not offer a refund on a digital purchase. If you would like to request a refund or credit, you should email refund @ for more information. We will assess refund or credit requests on their merits considering the digital nature of content. There is generally no obligation to provide a refund or credit in situations like the following:

• you have changed your mind about your subscription

• you bought a subscription by mistake

• you do not have sufficient expertise to use the item; or you ask for goodwill

If we decide to issue a refund or credit, this will generally be done using the same manner used to make the purchase. So, if the item was bought using a particular payment method you will be refunded using the same payment method in reverse. Any payment made to you will be made in GB pounds



For your convenience, your quarterly and yearly subscriptions will auto-renew until you cancel the service. After each renewal we will send you a notification receipt by e-mail specifying the amount that has been deducted together with the next renewal date and the next renewal amount. We are aware that sometimes customers forget to cancel an account they no longer desire until it is already been charged. That’s why we still allow cancellation of your monthly/ annual subscription even a week after your renewal date, with FULL REFUND of the renewal amount.