North Korea Citizens do not have access to international TV Shows

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The TV consumption of North Koreans is strictly restricted from international media.

The TV sets sold in North Korea are set to receive only the North Korean channels and are sealed so that they cannot be easily reset. Government inspectors visit homes and check Tv to ensure that they have not been modified. Broadcasts from outside North Korea are jammed. 

Direct reception of foreign television is nearly impossible in North Korea. Nor is foreign television available by cable since the government does not allow it or by satellite since few North Koreans could afford a satellite receiver and it's presence would easily be detected by the government.

North koreans do however have access to foreign television shows that have been copied unto USB drives that are smuggled into North Korea. Smuggling and even possessing of such material is illegal and can potentially have severe repercussions but the government seemed to have relaxed its attitude and North Korean drama and soap operas are reported to be widely available on the black market.

Possession is said to be leniently treated. However, material dealing with news or politics, and in particular anything critical to the North Korean government continues to be treated with great severity. 

The above applies to ordinary North Koreans. The elite have access to foreign media due to the fact that some government employees work require it. E.g Those in intelligence agencies. 
